Monday, December 15, 2008

First stop in CA- Napa!

Okay, so we aren't keeping up with the blog very well! Sorry!!!

BUT you are also not commenting enough! This blogging thing is a two way street... and we want to hear from you! Please, please comment on our posts :)!

So now we have to backtrack a bit. Technically, we're in Bryce Canyon National Park right now, but since we haven't really had time to post about our various stops in California, I thought I would write a quick note about our first stop, Napa, to visit with my grandparents and parents.

Napa, as usual, was gorgeous, albeit much colder than we expected (or would have liked!). I think we brought some of the Denver chill with us! The first night we got there, my parents also arrived and we had a great family dinner. Then on Sunday (12/7), we started the day by happily washing all of the crud off my car (see the imbedded picture in Amit's post about our drive), then we greeted my Uncle Steven, who joined us in the early afternoon (flying in from Seattle), and went out for a wonderful dinner at the Silverado Country Club (at The Grill restaurant) to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Dinner was terrific! The food was great, the company was superb (the family was joined by two couples who are good friends of my grandparents), and we all had the opportunity to share with the group why my grandmother is so special to us... this was the best part. See the pictures in this post of our visit! The next few days (Monday and Tuesday) were full of relaxing time with my family... the BEST kind of vacation. It was wonderful to spend time with my parents and grandparents, both of whom I appreciate MUCH, much more as a young adult than I did as a child!!!

I'm going to pass the computer to Amit now, as he is going to update you on the next leg of our California tour. Hope you like the pictures!



Talia said...

Man oh man that's a lot of family to hang out with, I'm super super jealous! I wish I could have been there to celebrate Grandma's 80th. And I have to agree how much I appreciate our parents now that I'm a bit older. Keep up the good posts and congrats on the great news!!!!

Mimsy said...

Regarding the weather: I think you're bringing this little bubble of New England chill everywhere you go- just when you were congratulating yourselves for missing the Big Ice Storm and accompanying power outages.

Unknown said...

What great pictures and even better stories you are collecting. And to top it off...University of Chicago. Yay!!! Keep on truckin' and take lots of pics. enjoy the great outdoors on this adventure of a lifetime. Dad