Thursday, January 22, 2009

El Fin del Mundo!

Greetings from the END OF THE EARTH! We can´t independently confirm this claim yet, but this is the catch phrase used by all of the shops and tourist agents in Ushuaia, the southern-most city in Argentina and the current location of yours truly! After nearly FIFTY-FOUR hours of traveling, we arrived in Ushuaia at sunset... 10:30 PM. It´s amazing to be in a place that gets almost 18 hours of sunlight per day, and Antarctica will be even more incredible. Yes, we will offically be able to report the number of daylight hours in Antarctica 12 days from today when we board our Antarctic cruise!!! As many of you know, this was one of the most exciting opportunities we would have on this trip, and upon arrival here in Ushuaia, we paid Amit´s right arm and my left leg for two seats on a boat called the Polar Star, departing on February 3rd and returning on February 13th. Amit will have to use his motion sickness patch for the few days when we are crossing the Drake Passage, but we are ready to ice this trip-of-a-lifetime cake with a visit to the least visited continent of them all!!!!!

Other than our crazy long trip to get here (which included 6 hours sleeping in the airport and 6 hours of 'border crossings') and our exciting booking, not much else to report, but tomorrow we go hiking in Parque Nacional de Tierra del Fuego and we´ll post pictures as soon as we can!

Lots and lots of love,
Amit & Dena


Ali said...

BENA and Amitten at the end of the Earth! Don't fall off!
I'm so glad you made it there safely and whew, sounds like it was quite an accomplishment. What kinds of border crossings?
Things are quiet in Vero- just hanging out and working on school work and researching summer camps for the girls.
Love you guys soooo much!

Unknown said...

What can I say? Wow!!! Stay warm. Say hi to the Penguins for me!

Mimsy said...

Bring me a penguin!!! Preferably a baby, like the ones in Happy Feet. SO fun to chat with you earlier today- between that and the video chat with Talia, my day was more than complete. Hope your trip is worth the hype....can't wait for the photos.

Talia said...

I'm not sure we could be further apart on this planet right now! With you all the way down there and me all the way over here, our little fur family is all spread out. I went to the shuk and to Marzipan today, omg amazing!! Can't wait to hear about your hikes and all.