Sunday, January 4, 2009

Houston... hot and heavenly!

Okay, so we're still a little behind, but we're desperately trying to catch you up so that we can fulfill our New Year's resolution, and then hopefully get ready for blogging the next phase of our travels! So we're DUAL-blogging (sitting here next to each other on the couch, writing simultaneous blog entries!)...

As you can see from the cool little map we have on the right side of our blog, we went from Tucson to Carlsbad to San Antonio to Houston. Our goal for our visit to Houston was to spend time with some more of my family... my Great Uncle Max and my dad's cousin Linda. Check out our pictures; as you can see, we accomplished our goal! We arrived on Christmas Day... nothing better to do on Christmas than visit with our Jewish family! We met Linda at her house, but turned right around and drove over to have a wonderful lunch at Uncle Max's house (which was prepared by Linda, who says she is not a frequent cook... but we certainly couldn't tell!). We shared stories with them of our travels so far, heard some stories from their life travels as well, and reminisced about my grandfather! It was a great visit because Amit was never able to meet my Zayde (grandfather), so introducing him to my Uncle Max was pretty special.

From Uncle Max's, we went over to the home of Linda's friend Joni... who regaled us with stories of her retirement hobby/part-time job: mystery shopping. If you've never heard of this market research technique, you should Google it, as I can't possibly describe it in all of its glory... or here is the Wikipedia link: . She also continued to feed us more delicious food (gourmet cheese, fruit, and tasty baked goods), and then sent us on our way with goodie bags of food! THEN, Linda took us out to eat at her favorite Indian restaurant (from which we also got to take delicious leftovers!), and in the morning, sent us on our way after an incredible, authentic Mexican lunch at a local "Mex-Mex" restaurant (which we learned was different than Tex-Mex). Overall, we ate like kings/queens, thoroughly enjoyed our day of relaxing and socializing with Linda/Uncle Max/Joni, and had a wonderful visit in Houston!

Here are a few pictures...

Lots of love, and more updates to come shortly!

-Dena & Amit


Talia said...

Apparently, hospitality really runs in the family! Glad to hear Linda treated you guys great. Nice pictures of yall with Uncle Max.

Mimsy said...

I think there is something unfair about commenters who are trying to beat the rush by staying up til all hours of the night, waiting to sneak a comment in while others are fast asleep!
You two have lovely families and friends around the country/world and it is wonderful to continue the connections. You had to hit at least ONE warm weather location.